


The Factors Affecting the Success of Passing the Threshold of an Electronic Proposal in Taiwan




林宛萱(Wan-Hsuan Lin);王宏文(Hong-Wung Wang);王禕梵(Yi-Fan Wang)


電子參與 ; 電子提案 ; 電子連署 ; 利益團體 ; 網路參與平臺 ; e-participation ; electronic proposal ; e-petition ; interest group ; Join Platform




71期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 42






In the wave of e-governance, the electronic proposal platform provides people with the opportunity to participate in public affairs in Taiwan. If proposers gather more than 5,000 signatures within 60 days, the government must respond to those submitted proposals. Therefore, this is a new bottom-up policy agenda setting mechanism, hoping to encourage public participation. However, past studies show that interest groups have a great influence on policy agenda. Can this new electronic proposal platform reduce the influence of interest groups? In other words, what is the influence of interest groups on the electronic proposal platform? It is the first research focus of this article. In addition, because few proposals passed the threshold, this article wants to explore what factors affected the likelihood of a proposal passing this threshold. We collected the data of 504 proposals submitted by citizens on the Join Platform in 2016. Data were analyzed using chi-square analysis and statistical models. Results show that proposals supported by interest groups are more likely to exceed the threshold. Proposals with broad cost distribution are more difficult to pass. From the academic point of view, the results show that the influence of interest groups is not limited to the traditional policy process, but also plays a pivotal role in electronic signatures. In practice, the result implies that if people want to successfully advocate for a proposal on the electronic platform, they should work with interest groups to increase their chances of passing the threshold. For interest groups and their supporters, they should also consider how to shape the image or frame of the proposal to increase the possibility of passing the threshold.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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