


Factors Associated with the Decision-making Participation of National Health Insurance Committee Members: Analysis Using Social Network Analysis




王光旭(Guang-Xu Wang);葉謹寧(Jin-Ning Ye);劉宜君(I-Chun Liu);陳敦源(Don-Yun Chen);林昭吟(Chao-Ying Lin)


全民健康保險委員會(健保會) ; 社會網絡分析 ; 委員會治理 ; 收支連動 ; 決策參與 ; National Health Insurance Committee (NHIC) ; social network analysis (SNA) ; committee governance ; decision-making participation




72期(2021 / 06 / 01)


67 - 114






Taiwan's second-generation NHI is operated by the National Health Insurance Committee (hereinafter NHIC) through a directorial system. The Committee is responsible for the review of major health insurance financial matters, such as the health insurance rate, the scope of payment, and the annual medical payment negotiation under the global budget payment system. Therefore, the effectiveness of the NHIC and the management of health insurance finance are greatly related. In practice, although this directorial organization is very common in Taiwan's administrative operations, its operational effectiveness is not measured. There are currently few studies on committee governance in Taiwan. According to this study, the attendance rate and the enthusiasm of members at the meeting are the basic requirements for measuring whether the NHIC can achieve its goals. Since the committee is a closed group, the members will closely interact with each other in decision-making, and even form an informal organization, which will affect the outcome of decision-making participation. This study takes the decision-making participation of members as the main discussion topic, to explore whether the interaction between the members will affect their decision-making participation behavior. The study investigated the participation behavior of members of the 2016 NHIC and analyzed the data obtained through a social network questionnaire and the 2016 conference record. The results are as follows: 1. Truly present the interaction of members of the NHIC in the decision-making process; 2. The influence of scholars and insured persons ranks the highest, and their participation behavior is more positive. In contrast, the representatives of medical institutions are more at the border, and the level of participation is low; 3. The enthusiasm of the members regarding the discussion items and the project report is mainly influenced by the resource dependence and law consultation among the members. On the basis of the aforementioned results, this study also proposes specific recommendations to strengthen the frequency and quality of committee participation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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