Social enterprise is an indispensable new way to alleviate social problems. Looking back on the research context in recent years, social impact assessment as a key topic is intricately connected with social enterprise identification, legitimacy, and funding. However, due to the mixed target characteristics of social enterprises and non-financial performance evaluation obstacles, social impact assessment tools generally have problems such as low versatility, insufficient reliability and validity, inability to compare across organizations, and high implementation costs. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to improve the value and methodology of social impact assessment. Conduct an integrated analysis of multiple assessment theories and methods, and develop an assessment system that is both standardized and low-cost. This research uses literature analysis and expert consultation methods, starting from the basic assessment theory, and combining the purpose and connotation of social impact assessment to develop the assessment structure and dimensions. Second, summarize the social impact index pool from the existing methods, and form an assessment system based on the initial structure and expert advice. Third, research use of fuzzy Delphi method to condense the consensus of experts. Assessment is divided into five main dimensions: efficiency, effectiveness, impact, consistent with the mission, and sustainability. Based on the Theory of Change, it can help the evaluator to manage the organization's impact. In practice, it allows social enterprises to disclose their impact at low cost and link social influence investment and procurement. Academically, the research conducted a convergence study, systematically analyzed mainstream assessment methods, and constructed an indicators method based on logical model framework. In terms of logical theory and methodology, it made contributions to the research on social impact assessment.
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