As the first art museum in Taiwan set up by a non-departmental public body (NDPB), the establishment of the Tainan Art Museum (TAM) represents a significant development in Tainan's cultural sector. To boost its visitor numbers, the TAM hosted an electric car show and supermodel wedding in its first year of opening. Yet, such commercialized activities also drew criticism from the arts and culture community. The study uses in-depth interviews to examine the commercialization of the TAM and criticism of this development from an organizational environment perspective. The study found that the organizational environment of the TAM is subject to a high degree of influence from the city government, the city council, and the arts community, reflecting the features of local politics in Tainan. In the context of an efficiency-oriented technical environment, the city government and city council demand the maximum output with the least amount of public money, pushing the TAM towards commercialization. However, this commercialization is not acceptable to the contemporary arts community, creating conflicts between the legitimacy of the institutional environment and the request of the technical environment. Based on consideration of operational realities, the study advocates a balanced perspective on the commercialization of the art museum. Additionally, the study states that the museum should focus on ensuring that the accountability of the organization and the benefits of commercial activities are passed onto disadvantaged groups while advocating for the publicness of the art museum.
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