


The Impact of Public Service Motivation on the Innovation of Civil Servants: The Mediation Effect of Emotional Intelligence




邱文智(Wen-Chih Chiu)


公共服務動機 ; 創新 ; 情緒智力 ; 中介效果 ; public service motivation ; innovation ; emotional intelligence ; mediation




76期(2023 / 06 / 01)


71 - 99






Given that the government's employees and budgets are limited and there is an increasing demand from citizens in Taiwan, public servants need to have good public service motivation to effectively make innovative policies, and also be emotionally stable to deal with various public issues. Although there have been many fruitful studies on public service motivation, the differences in definitions have led to difficulties in dialogue between academia and practice. Therefore, this study aims to theoretically clarify the definition of public service motivation and connect it with public institutions, and further explores the relationship between public service motivation and innovations in public servants the mediating effect of emotional intelligence between them. This study uses survey data on Taiwan public servants and finds that public service motivation has a positive impact on innovation. Moreover, emotional intelligence has a partial mediating effect. This study also demonstrates that although public servants have a high level of willingness to innovate, they have a low level of innovative action. Innovation initiation is concentrated on supervisors and high-level officials. However, contrary to the expectation of this study, high level of public service motivation does not cause emotional exhaustion. In light of the above findings, this study suggests that the central government can enhance public service motivation by strengthening social status of public servants and job rotation. "Working circle" strategies which are popular in the private sector can also be introduced to solve the problem of low innovation actions. Finally, employee assistance programs (EAP) should be implemented to avoid emotional exhaustion of public servants.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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