


Research on the Influence of Mass Media on the Political Trust of Taiwanese People from the Perspective of Partisan Selective Exposure




申佳健(Jia-Jian Shen)


大眾傳媒 ; 政治信任感 ; 政黨選擇性暴露 ; 黨派色彩 ; mass media ; political trust ; partisan selective exposure ; partisan




76期(2023 / 06 / 01)


101 - 130






Political trust is the source of the legitimacy of the regime, and has important influence on people' political behavior. More importantly, mass media play an important role as one of the influencing factors of political trust. In the context that Taiwan' tend to be more and more partisan and ideological in recent years, based on theoretical perspectives of selective exposure, this study differentiates partisan mass media into pan-blue and pan-green parties, and employs multiple linear regression model to explore the how different media's political trust affect people in different political objects and political trust. The study found that blue-colored newspapers had significant positive impacts on people's political trust in political leaders and the democratic system, while green-colored TV media negatively affected people's political trust in the government and political leaders. On the one hand, this research sheds light on the political trust research, on the other hand, it deepens and extends the area of research in mass media, and respond to the change of the current media environment. The findings bolstered by empirical analysis also found that it is necessary to further define the objects of political trust when studying people's political trust, in order to make political trust research more scientific and accurate.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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