


An Analysis of the Statements about Tao and Te in Chou-yi




廖秀珍(Hsiu-Chen Liao)


周易 ; 道 ; 德 ; 儒家 ; 道家 ; Chou-yi ; principle ; virtue ; Taoism ; Confuciansim




33期(2007 / 07 / 01)


129 - 139




本文首先說明儒家以「道」「德」掛帥,而老子亦以《道德經》為說,兩家皆著重「道」「德」觀,猶如一篇文章之主旨,有所謂的「文眼」,那麼「道」「德」觀可說是儒、道二家的分水領、關鍵詞了! 其次說明儒家以《周易》為六經之首,道家則以易、老、莊並列,也把《周易》列為道家產物,自從陳鼓應先生提出《易傳》是道家之說,造成轟動,蔚為大觀,兩說各言其是,立場分明。《周易》之經傳究竟屬於儒家思想抑或是道家思想?故本文擬將範耕研、李鏡池、高亨、陳鼓應等人視《周易》為道家思想者以及程朱、戴璉璋、金春峰、張立文等人視《周易》為儒家思想者,將兩派對《周易》經傳的「道」「德」觀比照分析,竟然發現兩派從《周易》卦爻辭之「道」「德」觀的思考方向就已完全不同,因此對「道」「德」的解釋當然也不同,到了《易傳》更是十分明顯,視為儒家學派者則暢談人倫規範之「人道」,贊成道家學派者則論述宇宙自然之「天道」,因此儒道二家,一開始對「道」「德」之說就已分道揚鑣,有此認知,對《周易》經傳的認識,就不至於混淆耳目視聽,而能恍然大悟,脈絡分明了。


This report first explains that the Confuciansim preached 'Tao' and 'Te', while Lao Tzu 'Tao Te Ching.' Both schools emphasized 'Tao' and 'Te', which is something like the main idea of an article. If there is 'Essay Eye,' then 'Tao' and 'Te' must be the key words between the both. Secondly, it is reported that the Confuciansim took 'Chou-yi' as the head of six Chings, while the Tao emphasized Yi, Lao, and Chuang at the same time and saw Chou-yi the heritage of the Tao. It caused a sensation that Mr. Chen, ku-yin advocated 'Yi-zuan' as the thoughts of the Tao. Two schools of thoughts claims differently about it. Whether 'Chou-yi' belongs to the Confuciansim or the Tao? Therefore, this paper tries to analyze and compare 'Tao' with 'Te' in Chou-yi based on two schools of thoughts: those who thought Chou-yi belongs to the Tao such as Fann geng yan, Lii jing chyr, Gan heng, Chern guu ying, and etc. while others thought Chou-yi belongs to the Confuciansim such as Ch'eng-Chu, Day lian jang, Jin chuen, Jang lih wen, and so on. It is found that not only are the explanations of Tao and Te between them very different, but the thinking approaches are also. They are especially different in 'Yi-zuan.' So, the 'Tao' and 'Te' theories of the Confuciansim and the Tao vary at the very beginning. If we had such an understanding at this point, we would not get confused about them.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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