


The Consciousness of History in Du Mu's Poetry




陳靜芬(Janq-Fen Chen)


歷史學 ; 懷古情懷 ; 歷史意識 ; 歷史人物 ; 歷史事件 ; 歷史場景 ; history ; the late Tang Dynasty ; Du Mu ; consciousness of history ; historical event ; morality ; admonition




33期(2007 / 07 / 01)


141 - 167




歷史記載著不同時空條件下的活動與成就,是蜉蝣般的人類在時空條件的限囿下,唯一不受局限的不朽記錄。美國作家Ralph W.Emerson甚至說:「我們一生中的時時刻刻與千秋萬世都息息相關」,歷史學家面對歷史總自覺地意識到可以在時間的觀念中把握住過去的框架,使歷史成為可以被有意義把握的對象,於是歷史學家努力的收集史料、提出問題、作出解釋,建構出一套獨特的歷史意識。晚唐詩人杜牧雖非史家,卻以其敏銳的歷史嗅覺與深厚的史學家學淵源,在詩歌中臧否是非、月旦人物、評斷史實、批判現實,甚至表達自我人生哲學,展現個人獨特的歷史意識,這歷史意識是他個人對歷史世界的情志反映,也記錄了他通今昔遠近而生發的各種複雜情懷,而終於成就了他獨特的詩風。 本論文跳脫過去討論杜牧詠史詩的格式,以杜牧詩歌中的懷古情懷為主軸,試圖探討其展現的歷史意識,期望能透過晚唐文化、歷史、哲學等多元觀點的研究後,以更細微的角度認識詩人內心深邃遼遠的歷史意識,進而体會其詩歌的獨特意蘊。 本論文擬分成三節,逐一論述杜牧詩歌的歷史意識。 首節將分析歷史意識的意義,並探析歷史與詩歌的巧妙關連,以作為探究杜牧詩歌中的歷史意識之基準。 次節則論析形成杜牧詩歌的歷史意識的個人身世際遇及歷史傳承,探索晚唐政治、思想、社會與文化氛圍,勾勒出蘊育杜牧詩歌中的歷史意識之背景,以期能抽絲剝繭辨明其詩歌的意蘊內涵。 第三節擬從三個角度,分別是(1)悲劇性(2)批判性(3)理想性,辨析杜牧在詩歌中所展現的歷史意識,精準掌握其詩的哲理與思維。 本論文企圖把詩人放在一個巨大的時空座標下,觀察其詩歌中展現的歷史意識,進而對其詩歌作出更透闢精湛的詮釋。


History is a record of collective consciousness of a nation’s temporal existence. On the whole, historians explain history in a significant way, which generally points out morality or admonition. Historians always express their consciousness of history through the way. Although Du Mu, the poet of the late Tang Dynasty, is not a historian, he displays a keen awareness of personal existence in time and a strong sense of history .He feels towards history much in the same way as he does towards personal life, so he contrasts the rise and fall of dynasties with the permanent features of nature. He sighs over the failure of heroes and moralizes the frailty of human achievements in contrast to the eternal power of God. Meanwhile he points out a moral and uses some historical events to comment on contemporary political affairs. His poetry expresses the special consciousness of history as historians do. There are three parts in the project, concerning his unique consciousness of history in poems. The first chapter is to make a definition of ”the consciousness of history”. Studying the theory of history everywhere and all time, I will try to explain the relation between poetry and history. The second chapter is related to political, cultural and social circumstances in the late Tang Dynasty, which may give us a clear idea of the background to form ”the consciousness of history ”in Du Mu's poetry. The third chapter is focused on the poems of Du Mu. I will try to analyze the consciousness of history in his poetry. Through the project, I hope to identity the unique consciousness of history in Du Mu's poetry and evidence its everlasting value in Chinese literature.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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