


The Formosan Folk Spirit Found in "Taiwan Fu" by Qing Dynasty Bureaucrat Wong Bi-Chung




吳炳輝(Bing-Hui Wu)


臺灣賦 ; 赤嵌 ; 海翁窟 ; 茄荖網 ; 毛少翁 ; 八里坌 ; 麻虱 ; 五妃 ; 五忠 ; 文身 ; Taiwan Fu ; Che-kang ; Hai-wong Ku ; Qie-lao Wong ; Mao Shao-wong ; Ba-li Feng ; Ma-she ; Wu Fei ; Wu Zhong ; Wen Shen




34卷2期(2008 / 08 / 08)


53 - 76




清代以「臺灣賦」題名之賦作計有三篇,其中王必昌之〈臺灣賦〉完成較晚,內容卻最豐富,全文二千一百八十餘字,辭藻古典唯美,敘述臺灣風物如數家珍,行文間流露出一份臺灣鄉土關懷,有學者稱其為「十八世紀之臺灣風土百科」1,更有教育官員視之為「臺灣觀點的文選」之佳篇,考慮選入中學國文教材,藉以薰陶學子之愛鄉愛土情操。 王必昌原籍江西德化,於乾隆十六年應臺灣知縣魯鼎梅之邀,渡台參與臺灣縣志之重修,並著有〈臺灣賦〉及〈澎湖賦〉兩篇。王氏雖為外省籍人士,但因工作需要,顯然對臺灣相關資料之檢閱或現地實物之瞭解下過一番功夫,其〈臺灣賦〉一作,內容觸及當時臺灣整體諸面向,堪稱是一部文學精簡版之志書,該賦收錄於作者所修《重修臺灣縣志》「藝文志」內,藉此與縣志參佐互證互補,希望達到「資多識」及「聚敷陳夫土風」之效果。 關於王氏〈臺灣賦〉之研究,就目前專論所見:或列入清代臺灣賦一環討論;或視為邊疆輿地賦之一篇論及;或與同類型他篇賦作比較分析;或以較通俗性之形式單篇介紹。本文擬單就該賦作較深入之析論,論點著重在作者對臺灣獨到之觀察部份,如:強調臺灣地理位置之重要、對臺灣地方之歷史較多著墨、臺灣山水形勝之深刻描述、臺灣草木蟲魚地域特性之發現、臺灣侈逸民風移易之見解、臺灣「番」俗之細膩考察,以及臺灣災變之因應策略等,逐項援引文獻史料參證析論,另對作者身世亦一併釐清。


There are totally 3 pieces of ”Fu” all under the same title of ”Taiwan” in Qing Dynasty, Among the three, Wong Bi-chungs work was accomplished the lastest but incidentally the most boundtiful, The total length of Wongs work achieves more than 2180 characters, The Lesicons and mostly romantically classic, It is full of thorough introduction of Taiwanese folklores and tales, The subtle humanistic concern of the poet for his fatherland is read between lines, It is even nicknamed ”Encyclopedia of Eighteenth Century Taiwan Folkores”, Some literary scholars have chosen it as best candidate for anthologies denoting Taiwan perspectives, It was almost included once in the materials for Mandarin textbooks for junior high students, Scholars had hoped that it will yield its influence on patriotism and nationalism among its potential readers. Wong was born in Jiung-xi The-hua, He was invited by Taiwan magistrate Lu Ding-mei in Qien Long year sixteenth to come to Taiwan to participate in the revising of Taiwan Chronicles, That was the time he accomplished ”Taiwan Fu” as well as ”Peng-hu Fu”, Although Wong came from Mainland, his thorough knowledge of Taiwan data on antiques and historic sites was nevertheless awe-striking, His ”Taiwan Fu” encompasses almost all phases of Taiwan at the time, Its historic and literary standpoint is manifest and outspoken, It was found incorporated inside ”Literary History Book” in ”Re-editting Taiwan County Chronicles”, Critics discovered that it was meant to be complimentary of the chronicles itself, They suppose Wong wished that it would add to the varieties and counterpoints of the Chronicles at hand. Literary reviews before me had allocated the literature as (a) singled out as only the Fu genre of Qing Dynasty, (b) Frontier genre, (c) material for parallel study on Chronicle genre, or (d) good composition in essence worth introducing. This paper aims at deeper excavation of the literature itself with stresses on his unique Taiwanese perspectives like, his eloquence on the geographical importance of Taiwan, historic views from a more Taiwan-centered scope, beautiful itineraries of Taiwan scenic spots, discoveries of fiora and fauna, observations on folk collective behaviors, revelations on aborigines of Taiwan, together even with protocols of natural disasters. The researcher provided all the corpus there has been to provide a view that has never before seen, The autobiographical study was also combined.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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