


Cognition and Acceptance of Vocational High School Students Using E-Books in E-Learning-A Case of Taipei City's Public and Private Vocational High School




黃煥盛(Huan-Sheng Huang);黃廷合(Ting-Ho Huang);陳雙源(Shuang-Yuan Chen)


電子書 ; 數位學習 ; 認知性 ; 接受性 ; e-book ; digital learning ; cognition ; acceptance




38卷1期(2012 / 02 / 01)


103 - 116






E-book industry has been developed parallel with the Internet. Acquisition of information and reading behavior have also been changed. If the effects of learning by e-book and its acceptance by the students can be understood in advance, they can be used to improve e-book designs, enhance learning efficiency, and seek new applications.This study focuses on public and private vocational high school students. By analyzing literatures and student's questionnaires, the degree of students' using e-book and the acceptance of e-book are understood, which can then be applied to increase the educational value of e-book. The results of the study are summarized below:(i)The public and private vocational high school students' cognitive level of using e-books is intermediate. Among the cognitions, ”the e-book using experience” is the one in majority, and ”the functions and the characters of the e-book” are those in minority.(ii) The public and private vocational high school students' cognitive level of using e-books is high intermediate. Among the cognitions, ”the practical functions of the e-book” is the one in majority, and ”consumers' innovation and their wills of purchase” are those in minority.(iii) There are some differences in gender in the cognition of the e-books. The male students' cognition degree is higher than females'. Otherwise, there are no significant differences in cognition of the e-book in the frequency of using computers per week, the frequency of e-learning by using mobile devices per month, and the different grades of the students.(iv) There are some differences in gender in the acceptance of the e-books. The female students' acceptance degree is higher than the males'. Otherwise, there are no significant differences in acceptance of the e-book in the frequency of using computers per week, the frequency of e-learning by using mobile devices per month, and the different grades of the students.(v) The students who have low cognition of the e-book are most impacted by reading habits and environmental impacts. The students who have high cognition are most impacted by the practical functions of the e-book.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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