
Exploring Junior College Students Reading and Writing Experiences in an Online English Literature Discussion Project






李筱倩(Hsiao-Chien Lee)


網路輔助英語語言學習 ; 網路讀書討論會 ; 科技大學學生 ; Internet-based English learning ; Online literature discussion ; Technological university students




38卷1期(2012 / 02 / 01)


81 - 102




本研究旨在探討科技大學非英語系五專學生參加英文網路讀書討論會的學習情況。共計有94名科技大學五專三年級學生(19名女同學,75名男同學,年齡為17-19歲)受邀參加此研究。學生於課餘時間閱讀自由選擇的英文文學讀本,並於學校的網路學園討論板上張貼閱讀心得與共同組組員分享。本研究兼用質性與量性研究方法,蒐集的資料包括學生在討論板上所張貼的文字、研究結束時的開放性問卷調查、學生閱讀文學作品的理解評量成績、學生寫作技巧的前測與後測成績,以及研究者的觀察紀錄。研究結果顯示學生受益於此閱讀及寫作經驗, 他們對於自己的閱讀能力更有信心、也能寫更長篇的英文作文,然而他們在學習過程中亦遭遇到挫折。本文提出了對其他英文教師在課程上的建議,以期幫助其他英語教師從事相關的網路輔助教學活動。


The purpose of the action research is to examine what happens when non-English major junior college students at a technological university discuss English literary works via an online discussion board. The researcher invited 94 third-year junior college students (19 girls and 75 boys, ages 17 to 19) to participate in the study. Students read self-selected English literary works during their leisure time and posted responses about the books on the University's E-Learning Discussion Board to share with their group members. The researcher used qualitative and quantitative approaches to collect and analyze data. Data sources included students' reading posts, open-ended exit surveys, students' reading comprehension test scores, students' pre-study and post-study writing scores, and there searcher's journal. The findings of the study suggested that the students benefited from the reading and writing experiences, gaining confidence in their reading abilities and developing the ability to write longer English essays. However, they also encountered challenges during the process. In this paper, the researcher provides pedagogical suggestions to other teachers of English so that they can implement similar Internet-based instructions in their curricula.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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