In this study, we use the Bass diffusion model to analyze the locations of Taiwanese semiconductor firms in China. This study focuses on the Taiwanese integrated circuit (IC) design industry in East China. We use investment amount of Taiwanese semiconductor firms from Taiwan to China as the semiconductor clustering degree. Taiwanese IC design firms cluster together in various regions in China, so this work compares the difference in clustering speed and size among the Taiwanese IC design industrial clusters in East-China, North-China, South-China and South-West-China. Furthermore, we focus on the firms which invest in East-China and divide these firms into three sub-industries: IC design, IC manufacturing, IC test and packaging industries. This study compares their clustering characteristics among various sub-industries. The empirical result reveals that IC design firms mainly follow other firms to invest in China. Their investment decision is affected by the imitation behaviors. IC manufacturing industry and IC test and packaging industry are more influenced to invest in China by tendency of imitations than IC design industry. Consistent with location theory, the potential size of Taiwanese IC design clusters is larger in South-China and East-China than in other regions. These findings can provide global semiconductor enterprises a valuable insight about China's semiconductor clustering characteristics.
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