


The Critical Success Factors for Management of the Veterans Home


簡鴻儒(Hung-Ju Chien);姚培壅(Pei-Yung Yao)


榮譽國民之家 ; 關鍵成功因素 ; 層級分析法 ; Veterans home ; Critical success factors ; Analytic hierarchy process




39卷1期(2013 / 02 / 01)


219 - 239




行政院退除役官兵輔導委員會為了照顧勞苦功高、一輩子為了保衛國家盡心盡力的榮民弟兄們,乃於1953年設立4所「榮譽國民之家」。然而目前榮譽國民之家面臨一些挑戰。例如:1991年台灣地區之榮譽國民數有598,000人,但至2011年4月台灣地區之榮譽國民數僅剩456,866人,平均每年會減少7,000人,人數減少則設施的空置率就會增加。相關研究指出:機構的財務狀況可從機構的佔床率加以評估,高佔床率除了可讓機構有較佳的財務狀況,而且有能力提供較好的服務給住民。雖然台灣榮譽國民之家是由政府出資的養護機構,但國、內外研究也指出:不管營利或非營利組織,注重成本管理與住民滿意度都是組織優先的經營目標。本計畫主要是利用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)探討台灣榮譽國民之家經營管理成功的關鍵因素,同時亦探討在榮譽國民數不斷減少之下,如何增加台灣榮譽國民之家設施的使用率。研究結果顯示:榮譽國民之家經營管理關鍵成功因素為「團隊專業素質」、「整體安全」、「無障礙設備」、「失能連續性照護規劃」、「意外事件品質鑑測」、「特約醫療團隊支援」等六項。


In order to take care of the veterans who have contributed to the country and spent half of their life defending the country, the Taiwan VAC is assigned with responsibilities to assist in educational support, employment assistance, medical care, home care and other general services. Currently, there are a lot of challenges facing Taiwanese veteran's homes on future developments. For example, accommodating a continued decrease in the number of veterans. There were 598,000 veterans in 1991, but in April 2011 there are only 456,866 veterans living in Taiwan, decreasing by more than 7,000 veterans a year. Recently, a research indicated that a proxy measure of financial performance is the occupancy rate of the facility. Facilities with high occupancy rates are likely to be more profitable or at least have greater economies of scale. This should enable veterans homes to increase service provisions. Although Taiwanese veterans home are public funded health care services, currently studies stated that both profit and non-profit organisations need to focus on profitability and customer satisfaction in order to maintain sustainable business operations. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify critical success factors for management of the Taiwanese veterans home by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), it is also to explore that how to increase the occupancy rate of the facility for Taiwanese veterans homes on future developments. The research results indicated that six critical success factors for management of the Taiwanese veterans home are: (1) the quality of professional team; (2) safety environment; (3) no barrier facilities; (4) long-term care planning; (5) accident monitoring system; (6) professional medical team supporting.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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