Buying and selling strategies are set as MA (Moving Average) short-day period (1 to 10) and the long-day period (10 to 60). Operations subject to Yuanta Polaris issued the first leveraged ETF and reversed ETF on October 31, 2014. Applying MatLab, the mathematical software program, run the best combination of technical indicators MA. Further to analyze the leveraged ETF, reversed ETF the individual performance and operational value. And also explore the impact of the Financial tsunami on the operating strategy of the period. The results show that, 1. Even considering transaction costs, the combination of technical indicators MA selected (5, 59), (1, 59), (1, 59) and (1, 57) from case1 to case 4, can beat the market benchmark. 2. In short strategy, among 509 samples, only 3 of them is positive, and the highest profit is only 12,607, so it's difficult to obtain significant excess returns as operating reversed ETF. 3. Through a comprehensive judgment, the best combination of technical indicators is MA (1, 59). It has the best stability of the four cases and ranked within the top three. The average number of transactions per year is 11.7 times and 23.9 holding-days which is in line with the requirements of steady operating strategy. 4. Through the appropriate choice, the best combination of technical indicators MA is (1, 59). It can indeed be effective to obtain excess returns from empirical operating leveraged ETF in Taiwan.
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