


Integrated Cloud Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to Develop Carbon Footprint System


項衛中(Wei-Jung Shiang);彭定國(Ting-Kuo Peng)


碳足跡 ; 服務導向架構 ; 雲端運算 ; Carbon footprint ; Cloud computing ; Service-oriented architecture




41卷2期(2015 / 08 / 01)


95 - 114




近年來,由於溫室效應的結果導致全球氣候變遷,並嚴重影響到人類生存問題,全球暖化已成為世界關注的焦點之一,為了滿足客戶在環境品質的要求,供應鏈的設計必須考量到整體產品生命週期,才能計算出供應鏈中產品由原料至零售商所產生的碳排放量。為因應產品生命週期的多變性以及客戶對環境保護的訴求,因此,本研究提出依服務導向架構(SOA)來建構碳足跡運算系統,首先依據服務導向架構的服務確認步驟,分析碳足跡運算系統所需的服務,並依此設計符合國際規範的碳足跡運算系統,可應用於業界以具體評估及分析產品碳資訊。這些服務具有彈性以因應環境變化,增強企業快速反應的能力。在系統的實作上,以Google推出的Google App Engine(GAE)平台作為開發與佈署的工具,在雲端運算環境中實現碳足跡運算系統的運作。透過雲端運算環境的高服務可用性、高彈性與擴充性,讓供應鏈夥伴可以透過不同的裝置整合異質環境中的碳足跡資料,依此訂定降低碳排放量的方案,以達成節能減碳的目標。


Recently, greenhouse effect has made the global climate change and seriously threat to human survival; therefore, global warming and "Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction" have become global major issues. Many countries have promoted activities to reduce greenhouse gases. This research first identified the services of the carbon footprint information system by utilizing the concept of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), and designed the system to meet the international requirements. This system could analyze and assess carbon information of products for the supply chain companies. The services with flexibility in the system could cope with environment changes such that enterprise reinforces the ability of rapid response. Google App Engine (GAE) was used in this research as the development and deployment platform. A carbon footprinting system was developed in the Google cloud computing environment; therefore supply chain partners could use various services and share information with each other. With the availability, flexibility, and scalability of the system, it helps supply chain partners shorten data processing time, thereby enhancing the profitability of the company to stay the company's competitive advantage.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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