


In Exile from Traditional Code of Conduct for Women - Transmutation of Female Consciousness of Boudoir Women in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Areas in Qing Dynasty


邱子玲(Chiou Zih Ling)


清朝 ; 閨教 ; 反殉節 ; 放足 ; 興女學 ; late Qing dynasty ; family moral education to boudoir women ; opposing the concept of committing suicide for chastity following husband's death ; foot-releasing ; promoting female education




44卷1期(2020 / 12 / 01)


154 - 170






The traditional code of conduct for women shackled females' thought and resulted into their lack of self-consciousness. From the Sung dynasty on, the requirement for females' chastity and for the family moral education to boudoir women has been stricter and stricter, even expanded and fermented in the Ming and Qing dynasties, which harmed the body, heart and mind of females hugely. The transmutation of female consciousness of the boudoir women in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas in the Qing dynasty was investigated in this article. A lot of preceding scholars had researched the topic of the females of the family of Yuan Mei of the Qing dynasty, including Yuan Mei's three younger sisters and their poems mostly. In the current study, Yuan Mei's third younger sister, Yuan Ji, and granddaughter, Yuan Jia, were the study subjects. Of different times, both of Yuan Ji, in the early Qing dynasty, and Yuan Jia, around the late Qing dynasty, belonged to the Suiyuan family, which esteemed highly of female literature. It was analyzed how Yuan Ji, and Yuan Jia adhered to traditional family moral education to boudoir women, even how Yuan Jia died for dignity and chastity. Further, both of Qiu Jin, and Shi Shuyi, of the same time in the late Qing dynasty, were in contrast to Yuan Ji, and Yuan Jia. The innovative issues were explored, such as how adaptive they were in facing the difficulties of marriage, and how they broke the tradition, promoted gender equality, opposed the concept of committing suicide for chastity following husband's death, promoted female education and opposed foot-binding. Through literature review, the writer of the current study found that although the four boudoir women had the same received the traditional family moral education to boudoir women but had different endings respectively in facing the difficulties of marriage and life. Qiu Jin, and Shi Shuyi were open-minded about whether sticking foolishly to the traditional family moral education to boudoir women or not. Both of them found the malpractice in facing the clamping on of the traditional family moral education to boudoir women and contributed to the raising of females' self-consciousness. They were the promoters of females' ideological emancipation and improved the female consciousness of the boudoir women in Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas in the Qing dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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