


The Study on the Implication and Application of the Precautionary Principle




王服清(Fu-Ching Wang)


預防原則 ; 國際環境文件 ; 歐盟 ; 潛在風險 ; 環境保護 ; 風險評估 ; 風險管理 ; 風險溝通 ; 應用性一般原則 ; 科學不確定性 ; Precautionary Principle ; International Environmental Documents ; European Union ; Potential Risks ; Environmental Protection ; Risk Assessment ; Risk Management ; Risk Communication ; the General Principles of Application ; Scientific Uncertainty




37期(2012 / 11 / 01)


117 - 187






The effective scope of the precautionary principle extends beyond the sphere of environmental protection, also encompassing the human and animal health. This article at first introduces the standings and opinions of international environmental documents and the European union about the precautionary principle, and then the article continuously concretizes risk application、the triggering factors、taking of the measures and the guidelines for applying the precautionary principle (risk communication、the general principles of application、the reversion of the burden of proof). In particular, the general principles of application of the precautionary principle importantly include the proportionality、non-discrimination、consistency、examination of the benefits and costs of action and lack of action、examination of scientific developments. Finally, in face of the Potential Risks and Scientific Uncertainty about the environmental protection and the healthy protection, the article therefore strongly proposes that the precautionary principle necessarily serves as the general principle in the sphere of environmental protection and the human and animal health.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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