


Effect of the Black-and-white Contract in Construction Projects at Mainland China-Focus on the Judicial Interpretation


蘇南(Nan Su);呂坤宗(Kun-Tzung Lu)


建設工程 ; 黑白合同 ; 司法解釋 ; 實質性內容 ; 當事人意思 ; 招標 ; 備案 ; Construction Engineering ; Black-and-white Construction Contract ; Judicial Interpretation ; Substantive Content ; Party Autonomy Principle ; Bidding ; Register




40期(2013 / 07 / 01)


41 - 93






Since the signed ECFA in 2010, the barriers of trade is gradually reduced on Cross-strait trade, then business is obviously increasing especially real estate investment from time to time. Based on the difference of social, economic and culture, the legal system of construction contract is not the same. Especially mainland China, ”lack and white construction contract” problem is quite prominent, because of the differ in construction regulation with Taiwan, mainly in the former two documents of the contract valid way to judge different opinion, the latter is only a contract documents, the legal effect of contrast is simple for judgment in comparison, easy to determine. Nowadays, the black-and-white construction contract is the common phenomenon of the mainland's construction market that is significantly puzzled by the judicial practice on Taiwan. Although the judicial interpretation of Mainland to be black-and-white construction contract specification, but what is the legal effect of the black-and-white contract? That cannot be expected by Taiwan businessmen. In addition to judicial interpretation is not clearly defined, nor decide the legal effect and application of black-and-white construction contract, however, that will derive to disputes in the application of law. This paper argues that decide the legal effect of black-and-white construction contract from Civil law and distinguish between types difference by the Bidding law, respectively, depending on whether the tender, bidding and register for the contract. Furthermore, it is important to respect for Party Autonomy principle of contract and make the judicial interpretation clear for application. How to determine whether the substances content of black contract and white construction contract are consistent, that should be judged according to the engineering quality, the contract price and the impact of the project deadline and whether the contract for registered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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