


The Norm of Strikes after the Amendment of Three Labor Laws


劉士豪(Shih-Hao Liu)


罷工 ; 勞動三法 ; 勞資爭議處理法 ; 調整事項 ; 勞資爭議 ; 不當勞動行為 ; 主體正當性 ; 目的正當性 ; 程序正當性 ; 手段正當性 ; Strikes ; Three Labor Laws ; Labor Dispute Settlement Law ; Conflict of Interest ; Labor Disputes ; Unfair Labor Practices ; the Legitimacy of the Organization ; the Legitimacy of the Purpose ; the Legitimacy of the Process ; the Legitimacy of the Means




51期(2016 / 04 / 01)


133 - 181






The purpose of this research is to provide an overall review of the new norm of strikes in Taiwan. Industrial actions must be based on labor disputes. Labor disputes are essential integral and undivided parts of collective bargaining. Labor disputes often may be accompanied industrial actions. The state must remain neutral in labor relations. If there are not industrial actions to formation of pressure, then both parts of labor relation, either employers or trade unions, may be free to refuse to negotiate. The labor market would lose the collective bargaining system. Strike is the typical and most important industrial action. Since the Amendment of three labor laws, i.e. the Trade Union Law, the Collective Agreement Law, the Settlement of Labor Disputes Law, in 2008-2010 and implement in 2011 which format a new norm of strikes in Taiwan. In addition to the introductory and concluding remark, this paper is divided into three sections. Section one describes mainly the types of labor disputes and the relations between the industrial Actions. Section two discusses the four conditions of legitimate Strike, such as 1. Legitimate subject, 2. Legitimate purpose, 3. Legitimate procedure and 4. Legitimate means. Section three explains several legal effects of legitimate strike and illegitimate strike. The Approach of this discuss is not only with labor Law, but also with penal law, civil law and administrative law in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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