This study adopted a comparative law approach to examine the development of disaster prevention laws and regulations in Germany and understand how Germany's related laws and regulations have addressed catastrophic disasters. Disaster prevention laws and regulations have long been neglected in Germany. Because of numerous worldwide disasters, jurisprudential circles in Germany have resumed discussion on relevant laws and regulations. This revived discussion has identified challenges posed by disasters to the institutional structure of disaster prevention laws and regulations. In addition to disaster loss reduction and disaster recovery, disaster prevention must incorporate disaster avoidance and disaster precaution. Additionally, laws and regulations for disaster prevention must comply with the constitutional requirements because disaster prevention encompasses various risks and disaster management aspects, some of which involve prioritizing the allocation of limited resources and thus are associated with the necessity to protect fundamental rights. Therefore, disaster prevention actions must be determined by democratic laws and regulations. In addition to the public sector, social groups and individuals may participate in disaster prevention activities. Thus, because effective disaster prevention and response requires collective collaboration and coordination, various levels of legal responsibilities and disaster prevention governance must be assigned through the legal system.
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