


A Study on the Influence of ISM Code of Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS): Focusing on Judgment Criteria of Crew Seaworthiness


賴煥升(Huan-Sheng Lai)


適航性 ; 海牙威士比規則 ; 漢堡規則 ; 鹿特丹規則 ; 國際安全管理規章 ; 疲勞風險管理系統 ; Seaworthiness ; Hague-Visby Rules ; Hamburg Rules ; Rotterdam Rules ; ISM Code ; FRMS




59期(2018 / 04 / 01)


235 - 277




於海上運送之場合,運送人之首要義務為提供具備堪航能力之船舶,即運送人負有船舶適航性之謹慎注意義務。果若運送人失卻適航性義務,就貨物所生毀損滅失,自無法主張各式法定免責及限責事由減免其損害賠償責任。國際安全管理規章之建立乃提供運送人是否履行船舶適航性之參考判斷標準。若運送人無法達成國際安全管理規章對其之要求,則可將此視為運送人未盡船舶適航性之謹慎注意義務之重要依據。於2017年國際船舶經理人協會協同瓦薩希海事學院進行針對船員疲勞之三年期研究計畫Project MARTHA,其發表了船員疲勞之成因與影響,並提出應如何改善船員之疲勞。該報告指出,有鑑於船員疲勞造成船舶安全性甚鉅,航運業應引進疲勞風險管理系統,以監測船員之疲勞狀況,使運送人得以維持船員之服勤品質。上開系統之引進,對於海上運送人之船員適航性義務、暨國際安全管理規章之履行,又將產生如何之影響,殊值關注,本文遂針對上述議題為討論。


The main duty for the ocean carrier is to provide a seaworthy vessel as the carrier has a duty of exercising due diligence to make the ship seaworthy. If the carrier can't make the ship seaworthy when exercising due diligence, they can't be exempted or limited from their liability for cargo damage or loss. Moreover, the ISM Code is to establish the minimum standards for safety management and operation of ships. If the Code has been properly implemented, it could be the best evidence for the carrier to prove that they have make the ship seaworthy in due diligence. In 2017, Inter Manager together with The Warsash Maritime Academy, have presented the findings on its fatigue study, which is entitled "the Project MARTHA". The findings reveal results of a three-year study on the causes and effects of crew fatigue, along with proposals as to how best mitigate against the risks posed by crew fatigue. It states that the dangers of crew fatigue can be mitigated through the introduction and development of effective Fatigue Risk Management Systems (FRMS). This article primarily will address and discuss issues presented by the abovementioned study on the interaction of seaworthiness, ISM Code, and FRMS.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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