


Possible Application and Challenge of Artificial Intelligence in Judicial Practice


龍建宇(Chien-Yu Long);莊弘鈺(Luke Hung-Yu Chuang)


人工智慧 ; 風險評估工具 ; 量刑基準 ; 正當法律程序 ; 鑑識科學 ; 預測性執法 ; 歧視 ; 隱私權 ; 合理懷疑 ; 一般資料保護規則 ; 透明與監督 ; Artificial Intelligence (AI) ; Risk-Need Assessment Tool ; Sentencing Guideline ; Due Process ; Forensic Science ; Predictive Policing ; Discrimination ; Privacy ; Reasonable Suspicion ; General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ; Transparency and Supervision




62期(2019 / 01 / 01)


43 - 108






Artificial Intelligence ("AI") is a computer program imitating human thinking process, which uses efficient means to gather and analyze data. The AI technology has already been used in judicial practice for legal analysis, risk assessment, sentencing guideline, and forensic science. This technology could also be used to determine patent and trademark infringement and prosecution. Moreover, AI can also be used in analyzing crime hotspot and subsequently in predictive policing. Despite these benefits, some challenges indeed exist when applying AI in judicial practice. Artificial Intelligence could hardly deal with issues relating to logic and general knowledge. The AI decision-making process often creates discrimination and privacy concerns. Additionally, it is worth debating how to make the algorithm transparent and supervised. Using the algorithm and personal data should also comply with current legal rules. This article aims to address all the possible applications and challenges while using AI in judiciary, and then to conclude and suggest for the future usage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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