


Non-Contractual Liabilities of Producers of Insecure Softwares: Problems Concerning German and European Software Liablities


Mareike Schmidt;李君韜(Chun-Tao Lee)


產品責任法 ; 產品製造人責任 ; 軟體製造人 ; 注意義務 ; 警告義務 ; 修補義務 ; German Product Liability Act ; Producer Liability ; Software Producer ; Due Diligence ; Duty of Warning ; Duty of Providing Patch




63期(2019 / 04 / 01)


1 - 28






The author of this article indicates that both the German Product, Liability Act and the producer liability in German BGB (based on § 823 I) should be applied to producer of software. The "product" of § 1 of the German Product Liability Act shouldn't be defined by the criterium of corporeality. Considering the purpose of the Product Liability Act, an extended concept of product should be adopted. On the other hand, the producer liability of the German BGB presupposes a broader concept of product. However, the author further indicates that, while the German Product Liability Act and the producer liability of the German BGB apply to producer of software, we should take the characteristics of software in contrast to traditional products into account and redefine the due diligence accordingly. Based on such observations, the author tries to provide a coherent doctrinal foundation for software producer's duty of warning and providing patch after the release of software.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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