


A Study on Applications of Article 3 and Article 166 of the Civil Law under the Digital Environment


郭戎晉(Jung-Chin Kuo)


民法 ; 使用文字 ; 簽名 ; 書面要式 ; 數位環境 ; 電子文件 ; 電子簽章法 ; 電子簽章 ; Civil Law ; Character ; Signature ; Written Document ; Digital Environment ; Electronic Document ; Electronic Signature Act ; Electronic Signature




70期(2021 / 01 / 01)


135 - 188






To ensure the expression of intent of a person in "the document as required by law", Article 3 of Civil Law regulates that when the using of characters is required by the Act, it must be signed by the individual. Therefore, it is widely understood that a signature of an individual is the necessary requirement for a written document. Further, given that in "the written documents are deemed as an agreement between the parties", legal scholars unanimously argue that Article 3 can be applied by an analogy to the document as agreed between the parties as well. However, owing to the popularization of technology in every aspect, expression of intent by means of internet and electronic communication tools goes beyond the definition of "the written document." In the digital age, whether or not documents are either required by law that should be signed and written or as agreed between parties merit further careful discussions. The application of Article 3 and Article 166 of Taiwan Civil Law in the digital world is now a critical issue that needs to be further examined.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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