


Analysis of the Issues on the Annual Minimum Distribution Requirements of Charitable Trust


謝哲勝(Jer-Shenq Shieh);楊現貴(Shiann-Guey Yang)


公益信託 ; 公益性 ; 支出下限 ; 杜邦分析法 ; 支出占收入比例 ; 支出占總資產比例 ; Charitable Trust ; Charity ; Minimum Distribution Requirements ; DuPont Analysis Method ; Ratio of Distribution to Revenue ; Ratio of Distribution to Total Asset




70期(2021 / 01 / 01)


189 - 244






In order to encourage enterprises and the rich to perform charitable business, the government grants tax-free benefits to charitable trusts in the Income Tax Act and the Estate and Gift Tax Act. Due to loose regulation, the current charitable trusts have become a tool for the rich to avoid taxes. With the tightening of the amendments to the Foundations Act, statistics from the National Audit Office have shown that the number of charitable trusts has skyrocketed in 2016-2018 as it had increased by nearly 30 in 2018. It then reaches a total number of 236 and the total charitable trust assets increased from 230.9 billion Taiwan dollars in 2015 to 112.1 billion Taiwan dollars in 2017. Also, the total assets of the trust increased from 90.8 Taiwan dollars in 2015 to 112.1 billion Taiwan dollars in 2017, showing an increase of more than 23%. Upon until 2019, 267 charitable trusts with a domestic market value of more than 130 billion Taiwan dollars have sprung up. The charity expenditures of the top 10 charitable trusts are less than 1/100 of the total assets of the trust, mainly due to the omission of current regulations. In other words, there are many disadvantages as the law did not set a minimum limit of annual expenditures on charitable trusts. Some disadvantages include charitable trusts becoming a tool to inherit family equity, financial statements lacking self-testimony, public welfare participation being low or the efficiency gap being large. In mid-August 2019, the Ministry of Justice proposed amendments to some provisions of the Trust Act to make up for the omissions of the above regulations. It is stipulated that the minimum ratio of annual charitable expenditure to the total annual income shall not be less than 50%. However, the minimum limit of "expenditure/income" ratio is different from the Ministry of Finance's requirements for classification. As well, legislators of the Legislative Yuan have their own versions. Hence, how to set a reasonable minimum limit of expenditure is a challenge to be dealt with. After collecting and analyzing relevant domestic and foreign literature and opinions, this article puts forward a reasonable minimum limit for the ratio of distribution to revenue and the ratio of distribution to total asset to ensure the charitable nature of charitable trusts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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