


The Constitutionality of Government Regulation of Large Social Network Platforms to Censor Speech: Focusing on U.S. Florida Senate Bill 7072




許育典(Yue-Dian Hsu);李霽恆(Chi-Heng Lee)


網路平台 ; 言論自由 ; 公共運送人 ; 編輯裁量權 ; 佛羅里達州參議院第7072號法案 ; Digital Platform ; Freedom of Speech ; Common Carrier ; Editorial Discretion ; Senate Bill 7072




80期(2023 / 07 / 01)


1 - 55






The main goal of the Florida Senate Bill 7072 is to restrict large social network platforms from censoring content on their own platforms. It was blocked by the court with a preliminary injunction shortly after the bill was passed. This paper offers a detailed review of Florida Senate Bill 7072 and the decisions of the Courts that NetChoice and the CCIA sued to stop the implementation of the law. It explores the great power owned by large social network platforms and how the power might be inappropriately exercised on the freedom of speech on platforms. However, the censorship of speech on large social network platforms conducted by their own is protected by Communications Decency Act Section 230, which is a part of editorial discretion. Certainly, Section 230 can be amended by Congress and the editorial discretion of large social network platforms can be restricted. Thus, this paper argues that two assertions made by Florida authorities: Considering large social networking platforms as public carriers or public forums, is not a reason to limit the editorial discretion of large social networking platforms. Further discussion is required regarding whether it is appropriate to limit the right of large social network platforms to censor their own content by law, and how the law should be formulated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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