


A Study on the Interpretation of Insurance Contract: Focusing on the Insurance Claim of Pandemic Policies




賴煥升(Huan-Sheng Lai)


防疫保單 ; 保險理賠 ; 保單條款解釋 ; 通常意義 ; 疑義不利保險人解釋原則 ; 合理期待原則 ; Pandemic Policies ; Insurance Claim ; Interpretation of Insurance Contract ; Plain Meaning Rule ; Ambiguity Rule ; Reasonable Expectations Doctrine




80期(2023 / 07 / 01)


57 - 110






The insurance industry has experienced a tremendous impact from the pandemic policies in 2022. The COVID-related infectious disease insurance policies, or the so-called pandemic policies, have caused insurers facing financial loss for unforeseeable claim application. Additionally, plenty of insurance claim disputes have increased due to the interpretation of pandemic insurance contract clauses in insured peril, such as whether a positive result on the rapid test can be deemed as a confirmation of COVID-19 infection or not; whether the home health care can be qualified as an in-hospital treatment. Other disputes also include the definition of home-based quarantine, group quarantine, house-isolation, and isolation care. Therefore, this research paper focus on legal issues between interpretation of insurance contract and the insurance claim of pandemic policies in insured peril. Furthermore, this research paper analyzes the relevant judicial opinions of U.S., Japan and Taiwan. The author hopes this research paper would support the relevant legal disputes on insurance claim practice and the judicial practice.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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