Because the outcomes that are evaluated by LFT analysis method have some unreasonable situations in explanation and the second improving index for similarity measure of LFT analysis method that was proposed by Hsiang-Chuan Liu (2004) can't differentiate some knowledge structures. According to tile views concerning about the representation of knowledge structure, in this study, we regard every connection of the concept map as a complex proposition which is composed of many related propositions. And then we modify the definitions of importance index, similarity measure, reachability measure and discrepancy measure by considering the correctness of paths arid the ranking position of every edge in referent structure. The scoring approach that we provide in this study is called the LFT-extended analysis method which contains the characteristics arid properties of the theory of LFT. Besides, through the results of this study, we find the following properties:
1. The frequency of equivalent evaluation in LFT-extended analysis method is no more than that in LFT analysis method.
2. When the digraph of each testee just lack only one correct edge, there is a negative correlation between the similarity measures of the digraphs arid the importance indices of the edges.
3. The evaluation and the sequence of remedial instruction which both are evaluated by LFT-extended analysis method for each testee are consistent.
4. The unreasonable scores that resulted from misconceptions in LFT analysis method never exist in LFT-extended analysis method again.
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