


The Simulating Study of the Item Exposure Rate in Computerized Adaptive Tests




謝友詩(Yu-Shin Hsieh);劉湘川(Hsiang-Chuan Liu);郭伯臣(Bor-Chen Kuo)


電腦適性測驗 ; 題目曝光率 ; 題目反應理論 ; 選題法 ; computerized adaptive testing ; item exposure rate ; item response theory ; selection criterion




14期_上(2006 / 06 / 01)


59 - 74




電腦適性測驗在實際實施後,最受注目的議題便是題目的過度曝光,題目的過度曝光表示大部分的受測者施測過此題目,當受測者重新施測,則容易施測到相同的題目使得測驗的安全性與公平性產生危機。 本研究採用五種選題方法,分別為最接近偏移難度法、區間式最大訊息法、KL訊息法、鄰近法、與考慮b參數的a分層法,分別討論在不同題庫樣式下對於曝光率均勻度與能力估計誤差的表現,結果發現,各適性選題法依曝光率均勻度與能力估計精準度的表現上可分為三大類:一是有較高估計精準度的區間式最大訊息法與KL訊息法,一是有較均勻題目曝光的最接近偏移難度法與考慮b參數的a分層法,一是對均勻題目曝光率與估計精準度較折衷的鄰近法。


For operational computerized adaptive tests, the most important issue is the overexposure item rates. The item having overexposure rate means most of the examinees tested it. When the examinees retest, they tend to test the same items, which leads to serious test security and equity risks. In this study, discuss the effects of the five item selection criterions-minimum offset difficulty, maximum interval information, KL information, NN criterion, and STR-B-were compared with respect to the precision of the trait estimation and the effect of the item usage at the same item banks. In the result, by the exposure rate and the precision the selection criterions could separate to three groups: maximum interval information and KL information criterions which having more precision of estimation; minimum offset difficulty criterion and STR-B which having more uniform exposure rates; NN criterion which balancing the estimation precision and effective item usage.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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