


The Pathfinder Analysis on Knowledge Structure of Addition and Subtraction Word Problems




林原宏(Yuan-Horng Lin);黃美盼(Mei-Pan Huang);易正明(Jenq-Ming Yih)


加減法文字題 ; 知識結構 ; 徑路搜尋 ; 試題反應理論 ; addition and subtraction word problems ; knowledge structure ; pathfinder ; item response theory




15期_上(2007 / 06 / 01)


29 - 57




本研究旨在進行國小學童的加減法文字題知識結構之徑路搜尋分析,以二年級學童為研究對象。利用試題反應理論和概念類似係數的計算,可獲得不同能力值下的加減法文字題知識結構。 「加減法文字題解題測驗」,根據實證資料之徑路搜尋分析,主要發現如下: 一、三個相似性指數均能對能力值做有效之預測,且GTD指數預測效果最高。 二、高能力值組知識結構圖與標準參照知識結構圖較為相似,中低能力值組知識結構圖與標準參照知識結構圖較不相似。 三、以集群分析方法將受試者分群,各群的知識結構有其特殊性。 四、高分群學童知識結構圖很接近標準參照知識結構圖,教師可進行充實活動。中分群學童答對率較低的概念位於同一區,教師應進行該區概念的補救教學。低分群學童在概念1和概念11有多餘鏈結,可能對概念不甚了解,教師須利用課外時間校正學生的錯誤概念。 根據結果,研究者提出未來知識結構方法論研究之建議,以及有關加減法概念的診斷及教學的參考。


The purpose of this study is to analyze addition and subtraction word problems knowledge structure by pathfinder. There are 324 pupils in this research. According to the response of addition and subtraction on word problems, the researcher wants to investigate the knowledge structure of addition and subtraction. Another methodologies, item response theory, factor analysis and cluster analysis, are applied so that the features of varied knowledge structure are discussed. The main results of this research are as follows: 1. All the three proximity indexes can explain the ability of pupils effectively. Moreover, the most effective index is GTD index. 2. The knowledge structure of high ability group is similar to the that of criterion-referenced one. On the contrary, the knowledge structure of middle and low ability group is relatively dissimilar to that of criterion-referenced one. 3. The method of cluster analysis can help group examinees effectively. There are lots of similarities on knowledge structure between each group. 4. Pupils in high score group have knowledge structures which are very close to that of criterion-referenced one. Therefore, teachers can carry out substantial activities. Pupils in middle scored group have low rate of correct responses and conception in the same area. Hence, teachers can carry out conceptual remedial instruction in that area. Pupils in low scored group have redundant links in concept 1 and concept 11. It is likely that they have no any idea with concepts so that teachers should design extracurricular to correct students' unpracticed section. Based on the findings and results, some suggestions for practical teaching and future research are discussed.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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