The purpose of this research is to construct the item pool for evaluating Grade 5 performance indicators in mathematical area of Grade 1-9 Curriculum. To construct the item pool, the test equating technique and common-item nonequivalent groups design of IRT are applied. In our item pool, there are totally seventy-three items, which are divided into four sections and measured thirty-three indicators. The computer program BILOG-MG was used to estimate the discrimination, difficulty, guessing parameters of items and ability parameters of students. Findings of this research are listed below:
1. Establish an item pool depending on mathematical performance indicators of Grade 5.
2. Research results show that 12 indicators are with high achievement, 17 indicators are with intermediate achievement and 4 indicators are with low achievement.
3. Female students performed significantly better than male students in all indicators.
4. The performances of the students in different regions are significantly different in most indicators except indicators 5-n-01 and 5-n-08.
5. The performances of the students with difference text books are significantly different in most indicators.
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Mathematics Framework for the 2003 National Assessment of Educational Progress
TIMSS Mathematics Items: Released Set for Population 1
TIMSS Results
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