


Using Control Chart for Item Analysis on the Ability Quality for Test




蘇純繒(Chwen-Tzeng Su);丁秋瑤(Chiu-Yao Ting)


試題分析 ; 試題品質 ; 能力 ; 管制圖 ; 統計方法 ; Item analysis ; Test quality ; ability ; control chart ; statistical methods




16期_上(2008 / 12 / 01)


75 - 88




試題分析(item analysis)被用來增加一個測驗的信度和效度,試題品質的優劣攸關了受試者的權益。目前針對每一題試題品質(test quality)之評估方法,也就是逐題分析,在學術研究已多有著墨,然而由於測驗係鎖定能力(ability)來命題,才能引導教學以能力為導向,讓學生真正學習到應該具備的能力。此外,管制圖(control chart)為統計製程管制(statistical process control, SPC)的主要工具之一,經常被使用於品質管制上。因此,本研究以整個能力的觀點加以審視,提出應用管制圖工具之品質管制特性,以及結合相關的統計方法(statistical methods),據以評估生產管理科測驗命題之優劣,進一步提供相關測驗品質之參考。


Item analysis points to testify reliability and validity of a test, which often is labeled as testy quality. Test quality plays an important role in the rights and interests of the examinees. Evaluation on item quality has been under much discussion for a long time with a theme on control chart as a tool of statistical process control for quality management on a test that could guide teaching direction and enable students to learn better. Therefore, this study based on the view of holistic ability, employs features of control chart and integrates relevant statistical methods to assess the test quality of the Operation Management Examination. This study can provide reference for further related test quality.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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