


Potential Problems in the Assessment of SEM Model Fit: The Best Model is Hard to Anchor




李茂能(Mao-Neng Li)


SEM ; PLS ; 模式適配度 ; 對等模式 ; 原因指標 ; 效果指標 ; SEM ; PLS ; Model fit ; Equivalent models ; Causal Indicators ; Effect indicators




16期_下(2008 / 12 / 01)


17 - 29




本文旨在利用模擬實徵資料闡釋SEM適配度指標的潛藏迷思,文中透過幾個理論模式,具體說明「A good fit≠A good model」及「A good fit≠A causal link」,以呼籲研究者切勿過份依賴適配度指標去判定測量或結構模式之優劣及因果關係;文末並說明為何不佳之測量指標會扭曲結構參數之估計,因而測量模式的評鑑應先於結構模式。


Several misconceptions or problems concerning the assessment of model fit in SEM are exemplified using simulated data and models. The author strongly argues that ”A good fit ≠ A good model or a good fit ≠ A causal link” and the assessment of measurement models should precede the assessment of structural models to avoid inflated structural parameter estimates.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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