


Developing a Learning and Thinking Styles Scale for Elementary School Students




陳易芬(Yih-Fen Chen);林鎂惠(Mei-Hui Lin)


學習風格 ; 思考風格 ; 學習思考風格 ; 量表編製 ; Learning Style ; Thinking Style ; Learning and Thinking Style ; Inventory Construction




17期_下(2009 / 12 / 01)


55 - 75




本研究旨在編製一份適合國小高年級學童的學習思考風格量表,以瞭解學生的個別差異,提供教師教學參考之依據。 全量表包含「功能層面」與「層次層面」,共有五個分量表,34題。正式量表經施測獲有效樣本977份,信度考驗結果顯示,在功能層面:自主型α=0.772、程序型α=0.765、評析型α=0.728;在層次層面:鉅觀型α=0.807、微觀型α=0.731;總量表α=0.849,顯示本量表內部一性很高。在效度考驗方面,以結構方程模式作為驗證性因素分析,驗證本量表評量構面與各題目的模式適配度。驗證結果顯示,GFI(.915)、AGFI(.902)、PNFI(.762)、PCFI(.809)、RMR(.042)、RMSEA(.045)與CMIN/DF(2.946)等適配指標皆達到理想值的標準,本量表所建立的模式之整體適配度良好。整體而言,本量表的效度與信度頗佳。


The purpose of the research was to construct an inventory to measure students' learning and thinking styles in elementary school. A total of 977 valid samples was tested the reliability. The reliability of the formal inventory showed that Independence (α=0.772), Procedure (α=0.765), Analytic (α=0.728), Macro (α=0.807), and Micro (α=0.731); The results showed that the internal consistency is very good. Structural Equation Models is adopted to execute the confirmatory factor analysis in order to confirm the model suitability and fitness of the dimensions and items. The validity test showed that the indices of GFI (.915), AGFI (.902), RMR (.042), RMSEA (.045), PNFI (.762), PCFI (.809) and CMIN/DF (2.946) attain the standard, which indicate the fitness of the model is good. This inventory shows high reliability and adequate validity.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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