In resent years, for estimating students' higher abilities, the framework of assessment gradually turns into large-scale standardized assessment framework. Suitable model not only tells us the ability estimates wanted, and gets the better estimation result. By means of empirical study, the main purpose of the study is to compare if there is difference in mathematical ability estimation by HIRT (hierarchical item response theory), MIRT (multidimensional item response theory) and UIRT (unidimensional item response theory) and what their influences are as the reference of mathematical assessment model. The assessment on Decimal division is designed for six-grade students based on the mathematical assessment framework of NAEP.The reliability on the assessment is 0.79. The result is analyzed and compared by HIRT, MIRT and UIRT models. According to the model fit indexes (AIC, BIC and DIC), it shows that HIRT model is suitable to large-scale standardized assessment framework. In HIRT pattern, the coefficients of Decimal division, and conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, problem solving inference regression are higher than 0.7, especially conceptual understanding influence the Decimal division. Therefore, the result of the empirical study confirms HIRT model can provide more information and has better estimation.
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