


The Distributions of the Van Hiele Geometrical Reasoning Level of High-Grade Elementary School Students




吳德邦(Der-Bang Wu);馬秀蘭(Hsiu-Lan Ma);陳姿良(Tzu-Liang Chen);許天維(Tian-Wei Sheu)


小學 ; 幾何 ; 推理 ; van Hiele ; 思考層次 ; van Hiele ; elementary school ; thinking level ; geometric reasoning




19期_下(2011 / 12 / 01)


51 - 71




本研究旨在分析臺灣中部地區高年級學生在van Hiele幾何推理層次的分布情形,以「吳-馬-陳氏幾何推理層次測驗」為研究工具,研究對象為臺灣中部地區2009年第二學期在學的國小學生五年級的學生328人及六年級的學生413人,全部樣本大小為741人。得到研究結果摘述如下:A縣和B市的學生均是分布在創造性層次的學生最多,其次分布在批判性層次。縣市與層次兩變項有相關,且B市在幾何推理層次的表現優於A縣,顯示在van Hiele幾何推理層次中,兩縣市的學生有著明顯的城鄉差異,這也代表著教育水平越高的縣市,越多學生達到較高層次,再次顯示教學和引導能提升學童的幾何思考概念,這點與van Hiele的理論相吻合。五年級和六年級的學生均是分布在創造性層次的學生最多,其次分布在批判性層次。五年級、六年級的學生在van Hiele幾何推理的發展可能比van Hiele立體幾何概念的發展、van Hiele平面幾何概念在三角形部份的發展以及van Hiele平面幾何概念在四邊形部份的發展都高一個層次。年級與層次兩變項沒有相關,顯示其年級愈高,分布在較高層次的人數並沒有明顯增多。男學生和女學生均是分布在創造性層次的學生最多,其次分布在批判性層次。性別對層次兩變項沒有顯著差異。


The purpose of this study is to discuss the distributions of the van Hiele geometrical reasoning levels of 5(superscript th) and 6(superscript th) graders. This study uses ”Wu-Ma-Chen’s van Hiele Geometric Reasoning Test” (GRT) as the research tool, choosing 741 fifth- and sixth-grade students in Central Taiwan as the subjects. The GRT was developed by the authors in 2010. Using the Chi-Square Test to analyze the data, the conclusions were drawn as follows: (1) Most of A county’s and B city’s students are in the creative level. In the van Hiele geometrical reasoning level, scores of students from B City are better than those from A County. (2) Most of fifth- and sixth-grade students are in the creative level, but the number of students is not obviously higher in the higher grade. (3) Most of male and female students are in the creative level, but in the van Hiele geometrical reasoning level, the scores of those students in the different genders are not obviously different.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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