


Study on Visualization of Philosophy of Education Curriculum Design based on ISM- Concerning Part of Philosophy Course




何慧群(Hui-Chung Ho);永井正武(Masatake Nagai);許天維(Tian-Wei Sheu);曾建維(Jian-Wei Tzeng);蔡清斌(Ching-Pin Tsai)


教育哲學 ; 後設課程 ; 詮釋結構模式 ; 多層次有向圖示 ; 數理邏輯 ; philosophy of education ; meta-curriculum ; ISM ; multi-level digraph ; mathematical logic




20期_上(2012 / 06 / 01)


115 - 150




教育哲學,教育專業之後設課程之一,責付省視教育理念與目標訂定、政策規劃與實施,以及對教育實踐進行價值澄清與專業批判。本提案運用詮釋結構模式(Interpretive Structural Modeling, ISM),旨在:1.意識取向、概念本位之文本理解予以數理邏輯化,並以多層次有向圖示之;2.圖示之文本結構具可視性、說明性與鷹架功能;3.凸顯哲學素養、哲學教育基礎性,並據以4.反映教學者知識體系、默會知識及其思維邏輯。


Nowadays, philosophy of education plays an important role in pedagogy, not only drafting an education policy, implementing curriculum and instruction in schools, but also evaluating the effectiveness of certain policies. As research tool, Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) is applied to generate the designed curricula visualizing. In conclusion, by the help from the mathematical logic-based operated tool, it is easier to develop and manipulate the curricula of philosophy of education.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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