


The Development of A Learning and Thinking Styles Scale for the Fourth Graders of Elementary Schools


陳易芬(Yih-Fen Chen)


學習思考風格 ; 新住民子女 ; 量表編製 ; learning and thinking style ; New Taiwanese children ; scaleconstruction




22期_上(2014 / 06 / 01)


67 - 82




本研究目的為:(一)蒐集學習思考風格文獻,並參考現有學習思考風格量表內容,以研發一適用於國小四年級學童的學習思考風格量表;(二)進行量表預試及信效度分析;(三)比較新住民子女與一般生的學習思考風格類型是否有差異;(四)比較國小四年級男女學童之學習思考風格類型是否有差異。研究結果,學習思考風格量表包含有五個分量表,共45題。量表施測於中部地區的國小四年級新住民子女及一般生,計有效樣本377份。總量表Cronbach's α值.811,各分量表Cronbach's α值分別為:因素一(循規蹈矩).752,因素二(外向合群).738,因素三(大方向).706,因素四(自我掌控).684,因素五(獨立自主).628。五因素可解釋變異量達34.112%。整體而言,本量表的效度與信度佳,可以幫助教師瞭解國小四年級學生學習思考風格的個別差異,並作為設計教學方法參考之依據。進一步比較新住民子女與一般生的學習思考風格類型是否有差異,卡方檢定結果發現無顯著差異。但是男女學童的學習思考風格類型有顯著差異。


The purposes of the study were to develop a scale of learning and thinking styles to measure the fourth graders and to compare the styles between ordinary and new Taiwanese children. Totally 45 items were produced. A total of 377 valid samples was tested the reliability. The Cronbach' s α of the total scale was .811. Results of the factor analysis indicated that there were five interpretable factors in the scale. The reliability of the scale showed that Norm-conforming (α = 0.752), Gregarious (α = 0.738), Holistic (α = 0.706), Self-control (α = 0.684), and Independence (α = 0.628). The five factors explained 34.112% of total variation. The results showed that the internal consistency is good. Then, the scale was administered to compare the learning and thinking styles of different groups. It showed that there was no difference between the ordinary students and the New Taiwanese students; however, it existed a significant difference between girls and boys.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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