


A Study on Applying Mathematical Modeling to Analyze and Characterize Collaborative Problem-Solving Assessment


何慧群(Hui-Chung Ho);阮逢選(Phung Tuyen Nguyen);阮福海(Phuoc Hai Nguyen);范德孝(Duc Hieu Pham);永井正武(Masatake Nagai)


合作解題評量 ; 電腦介面代理人 ; 鷹架功能 ; 創意思維 ; 數理工具 ; Collaborative Problem-Solving ; Computer Agent ; Scaffolding Function ; Creative Thinking ; Mathematical Modeling




22期_下(2014 / 12 / 01)


23 - 50




2015年,PISA施行合作解題評量,透過電腦介面代理人(Computer Agent)進行線上(Online)小組評量。研究目的:(1)合作解題要素涵蓋認知技能、知識素養與團體動力;(2)解題歷程透過小組進行題旨辨識、認知理解、概念澄清、操作示範、結果共識、答辯論述;(3)評量檢核指標是心智運作、鷹架功能、創意思維、發明發現。研究工具:(1)運用關係矩陣發展概念要素關聯結構,(2)結合數理工具(Mathematical Modeling)與圖學論進行結構分析。研究貢獻:(1)發展教育表徵新範式,(2)結構分析視覺化。


In 2015, PISA plans to conduct collaborative problem-solving assessment, combined with a computer agent and online interactive assessment in group. This study aims: (1) To illustrate elements to problem-solving are cognitive strategies and intellectual cultivation and team dynamics; (2) To define Collaborative problem-solving is processed through defining the theme of questions, cognitively understanding, redefining, discussing, collecting opinions, organizing how to express and answer or debate questions; (3) To refer the checking indicators of collaborative assessment are mental operation, scaffolding function and creative thinking. Research tools are as below: (1) Relationship-forming of conceptual elements by relation matrixes; (2) Diagraph-leveled structures analysis by using mathematical modeling and graph theory. Research added value is as below: (1) developing the representative paradigm of new educational thinking, (2) the analysis of visualized conceptual structures which are able to be processed emphatically and particularly.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 統計
社會科學 > 教育學
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