
Job Standardization and Organization-Based Self-Esteem in the Hospitality Industry: A Perspective of Socialization




Li-Chan Chen


Socialization ; job standardization ; organization-based self-esteem ; hotel industry


International Journal of Business and Information


10卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


469 - 490




Exploring the antecedent factors of the self-evaluation values of new employees in an organization is an important issue for practitioners across countries since a novel environment increases the likelihood of their withdrawal from the job. This study approaches the issue from a socialization perspective, with the hypothesis that socialization is critical for newcomers with regard to emotional bonding and attitudinal and behavioral adaptation. The study uses a survey questionnaire to investigate the influence of job standardization on the organization-based self-esteem of newcomer employees in the hospitality field. A total of 186 valid questionnaires were collected from employees at 14 upscale hotels in Taiwan. Regression analysis of the data showed that job standardization is significantly and positively related to organization-based self-esteem. Moreover, the results indicated that job standardization explained a 9.6% additional variance after controlling negative affect. These results support the hypothesis in this study.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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