
Implications of Trust and Usability on E-Commerce Adoption




Padmali Manesha Peiris;Dhananjay Kulkarni;Colvin R. de Silva Mawatha


E-commerce ; trust ; usability ; human/computer interaction ; ecommerce adoption


International Journal of Business and Information


10卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


519 - 556




Although e-commerce has many benefits for businesses, many organizations struggle with low consumer adoption rates. Research has shown that a user's intention to conduct a transaction online is influenced by two critical factors: the user's perception of the ease of use of the technology, and the user's perception of trust regarding the online merchant. Since the web interface is the main mode of communication between the consumer and the merchant, it is critical that the interface inspire user trust in the merchant and facilitate ease of using the technology. This study explores ways of integrating affective and cognitive trust technologies with human/computer interaction so as to achieve this purpose. In order to formulate a model for encouraging user adoption of e-commerce, this study forms a connection between the core constructs of the technology acceptance model (TAM), perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness and the constructs of usability and trust. The proposed model was developed based on findings from two experiments conducted during the study involving two sets of sample webpages-one set incorporating web usability guidelines and trust indicators identified in the literature, and one set intentionally violating those principles. The results, incorporated in the model, indicate that encompassng the principles improves the user's emotion with regard to e-commerce adoption.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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