


The Development of Human Rights and Welfare Policy for People with Disabilities




嚴嘉楓(Chia-Feng Yen);林金定(Jin-Ding Lin)


人權 ; 身心障礙者 ; 福利政策 ; human right ; people with disabilities ; welfare policy




1卷1期(2003 / 07 / 01)


20 - 31




人權發展已成為民主國家用以衡量社會進步與發展的重要指標,而人性尊嚴與人權保障亦成為民主國家治國的最高宗旨;身心障礙者的人權更應被合理地受到保障,雖然聯合國至今還無法制定具有法律效力的「公約條款」,但隨著聯合國在1975 年發表的「身心障礙者人權宣言」,身心障礙者的人權才算真正從道德形式落實於具體文字,但所有的人權保障必須建立在法治基礎之上,國際身心障礙者相關法案的演進脈絡亦代表了身心障礙者的人權發展軌跡,其發展全貌更顯現了社會對於身心障礙議題重視的程度;唯有在了解並正視人權本身的意涵,給予身心障礙者同等的人性尊嚴之後,才能真正消弭社會對他們的歧視。


In democratic countries, the development of human rights has become an important indicator reflecting the level of evolution and progress of a society. Remaining human dignity and protecting human rights also turn into the highest governing principle for civilized countries. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the human rights for people with disabilities reasonably. The movement of human rights of people with disabilities is slowly and ignored in the past. So far, there is no legally binding convention or agreement was constituted in the global society. The Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons was issued in 1975 by the United Nations, the practice of human rights for people with disabilities finally committed into concrete written words instead of a moral issue only. All the human rights protection for people with disabilities should be based on this rule of law worldwide. The revolution of international disability Act represents how disability rights develop and improve in the society. Moreover, the track of the development reveals how much a society cares about issues regarding disabilities. Only by comprehending the insight meaning of human rights and giving mutual respects, we could eliminate the discrimination on disabled persons.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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