


Family Quality of Life for Young Children with Special Needs: The Measurement Tool Development in Taiwan




唐紀絜(Chi-Chieh Tang);林宏熾(Kevin Hung-Chih Lin);林金定(Jin-Ding Lin);陳英進(Ying-Chin Chen);羅淑珍(Shu-Jen Lou);簡言軒(Yen-Hsuan Jean)


特殊需求幼兒 ; 家庭生活品質問卷 ; 家庭生活衝擊 ; 家庭因應型態 ; Family Coping Patterns ; Family Life Impacts ; Family Quality of Life Questionnaire ; Young Children with Special Needs




3卷1期(2005 / 03 / 01)


33 - 53




本研究主要目的是發展「特殊需求幼兒家庭生活品質問卷」(Family Quality of Life Questionnaire for Young Children with Special Needs; FQoLQ-YCSN)量表中,「家庭背景資料、早療/學前特教服務方案、發展遲緩兒童及家長個人背景資料」,與普觀系統之「家庭生活衝擊」、「家庭因應型態」、及「家庭生活品質」等四部份之評量範疇與指標,並以實證性信效度的檢定方式,以建立有效的評量工具。應用橫斷式之自陳式問卷調查研究設計(個人評價的微觀系統),以臺灣地區北中南東七所通報轉介/個管/早療中心之特殊幼兒之家長為研究對象,由社工人員或教保人員交遞或郵寄問卷192份,共回收152份有效問卷,回收率為80.2%。專家效度的檢定結果發展出實證性的預測題本;項目分析的結果發現每題項之高分組及低分組以t-考驗皆能達到顯著水準;因素分析的結果,建立:(1)「家庭生活衝擊問卷」47題之家庭每日生活常規、家庭情感溝通及問題解決、家庭互動與社交生活、及家庭成長與生涯發展等四個因素,總解釋變異量為80.02%;(2)「家庭因應型態」34題之逃避導向:維持自尊及心理穩定、認知導向:家庭整合與樂觀詮釋、及工作導向:早療專業諮詢與支持等三個因素,總解釋變異量為76.43%;(3)「家庭生活品質問卷」35題之家庭互動與心理福祉、家庭健康與經濟福祉、生態環境與安全、家庭產能與自我決策、家庭社會福祉、及家庭生活常規福祉等六個因素的因素結構,總解釋變異量為88.38%。更進一步以其具有建構效度的三份量表進行內在一致性的信度考驗(Cronbach α),每份量表之α值皆大於90%,顯示:「特殊幼兒家庭生活品質問卷」(FQoLQ-YCSN)具有良好信效度的測量工具。FQoLQ-YCSN可應用於個人對家庭生活品質的反應、量性研究、方案評鑑、及政策制定等不同的目的。


The aim of the study was to develop the Family Quality of Life Questionnaire for Young Children with Special Needs (FQoLQ-YCSN). There were many domains in FQoLQ-YCSN. The present study focused on the following four parts: (1) the demographic characteristics (parents/caregivers, family, children with special needs, and early intervention program), (2) family life impacts, (3) family coping pattern, and (4) family quality of life. A cross-sectional self-reported inventory study was conducted in the present study. A total of 192 questionnaires were mailed out or distributed by the social workers or the caregivers accompanied by a gift to the parents of the young children with developmental delay, of which 152 valid questionnaires (response rate 80.2%) were analyzed in the study finally. The results showed that the validity (analyzed by items analysis and factor analysis) and reliability (analyzed by internal consistency; Cronbach α value) of the measurement tools were good for assessing the family quality of life for the young children with special needs. And, we also discussed the further development for this tool for the practical application in the contents.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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