


Analysis of Self-Determination for Youths with Autism: Case Studies in the Middle Taiwan




楊詠雯(Yung-Wen Yang);林宏熾(Hung-Chin Lin);林示安(Shih-An Lin);周穎馨(Ying-Hsing Chou);柯馨絜(Hsing-Chieh Ke)


自我決策 ; 自閉症青年 ; 質性研究 ; Qualitative research ; self-determination ; youths with autism




3卷2期(2005 / 06 / 01)


102 - 112






The qualitative analysis was conducted in this research to the subjects of 5 male youths with autism in Middle Taiwan. By snowball sampling and semi-structural guideline interviews, annotated and assembled the whole relevant materials through the indepth interviews. The ability situation and the backgrounds to the behavioral situation on self-determination of youths with autism were analyzed and conceptualized in this paper. The research results and suggestions as followings: Parents of youth with autism expressed it was important of self-determination. The cognition of youth with autism and the parent's breed attitude caused the different performance results of self-determination. Therefore, it is important provide the necessary information and guideness to educate the parents and youths with autism properly to improve their self-determination ability. The performance levels of self-determination ability were affected by disability level, family structure, grow-up environment and social status. But, it didn’t have the better performance because of the older age. That is a consideration to plan and develop the related curriculum of self-determination to the youths of autism properly in the autism each educational stage.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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