


Effects of Horticultural Group on Leisure Satisfaction for Chronic Psychiatric Patients




陳繼勝(Chi-Sheng Chen);徐麗珊(Li-Shan Hsu);陳穎亭(Ying-Ting Chen);鍾麗勳(Li-Hsun Chung)


休閒 ; 園藝治療 ; 職能活動 ; Horticultural therapy ; leisure ; occupational activities




5卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


241 - 258






The horticultural therapy is the process to enhance people's physical and mental health and welfare with plants, gardening activities, and the natural environment. The study explores the leisure satisfaction performance of the gardening activities on the chronic psychiatric patients. The eighteen gardening team activities, lasting for nine weeks with two hours at each time and twice every week, can be divided into five categories, which are the occupational activities, the indoor potting, the outdoor planting, the outdoor education, and the excursion. With the quantitative survey and the qualitative interviews, the performance on the chronic psychiatric patients is studied. Eight patients attended the team activities, and after the quantitative survey of LSS (Leisure Satisfaction Scale) and Activity Feedback Sheet, the qualitative interviews were conducted. In the quantitative survey, the gardening activities got the significant improvement in the LSS of the patients, and they gave the positive feedback to all the activities, especially the excursion. In the qualitative interviews, the gardening activities obviously enhanced the patients' understanding of and attention to their lives, provided the access to their affect transfer, and developed their perceptivity of their surroundings. Besides improving the quality of the chronic psychiatric patients' life, the study aims to offer the findings as reference for the professionals engaged in medical care.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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