


The Preliminary Research of the Stress Loading of the Double-Aging Families and their Mentally Retarded Children




王文娟(Wen-Chuan Wang)


智能障礙者 ; 雙老家庭 ; 壓力 ; Double-aging family ; mental retarded person ; pressure




9卷2期(2011 / 06 / 01)


96 - 110






Until the end of 2010, in Taiwan, there are 20% of mental retarded people living in their advanced age. Although the life spans of these mental retarded people are prolonged by the popularization of medical technology and sanitation, the physiological function and the vitality of them are prone to be aged early. Besides, owing to the fact that most of these mental retarded people are living with their parents, the importance of the double-aging issue has also been raised. In light of this, through literary arrangement and review, this thesis will discuss the physiological, the psychological, and the social pressures and challenges these double-aging families faced in such a situation of their lives. Hence, it is discovered that the physiological pressures these double-aging families faced include the inaccessible health prevention, the irreversibility of physiological degeneration, and the high rate of disease occurrence; the psychology burdens these families carried include the change or the loss of their inherent roles, the necessary separation with their families, and the worry concerning the uncertain future; last but not the least, there are also many challenges coming from our society which include the obstructed use of official resources incurred by Chinese culture, the limited accessibility of official supporting system, as well as the qualitative and the quantitative changes of the non-official supporting system.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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