


The Comparison of Stigma Feeling among the Students with Intellectual Disability between Special Classes in Mainstream High School and Special School


陳志軒(Chih-Hsuan Chen)


污名 ; 智能障礙 ; 融合 ; Stigma ; Intellectual Disability ; Inclusion




16卷2期(2018 / 06 / 01)


78 - 93






Stigma is a vital issue in special education and mental health: It affects the mental health among the stigmatized people and impedes their adaptation in society. The observational study was applied to understand the difference of the stigma feelings among the students with intellectual disability (ID) between those in special class of a mainstream school and those in a special school. We also explored the factors affecting stigma. The participants were high school students with mild to moderate ID (n=81), and were recruited from Eastern Taiwan. The self-reported Szivos-Bach Stigma scale was used to measure their stigma feelings. Independent t-tests and two-way analyses of variance were applied to analyze the data. The results revealed that (1) the stigma feelings existed among the participants in two kinds of educational replacements were similar; (2) those who had the experience of studying in a special class and now were still in the same replacement had the highest score in stigma feelings, while those who had no such experience and now were in a special school was the lowest. This means that the stigma issues among the students with ID might be cumulative with the experience of studying in a special class. The replacement in a special school may be a protective factor of stigma feelings for the students with ID. Based on our findings, the educational replacement for the students with ID should be introspection, and the programs of anti-stigma should be intervened when receiving the service of special education.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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