


Effects of Sport Stacking Teaching Program on Attention for the ADHD Students in Elementary School


張凌瑋(Ling-Wei Chang);佘永吉(Yung-Ji Sher)


注意力缺陷過動症 ; 競技疊杯 ; 田字注意力測驗 ; 注意力 ; ADHD ; sport stacking ; Tien-character Attention Test ; attention




19卷1&2期(2021 / 06 / 01)


25 - 44






The students with special needs in resource room of elementary school, are often accompanied by attention deficit, which affects their learning performance. In recent years, researches on improving the attention of students with special needs through different exercise intervention are receiving increasing attention; however, there are few studies investigated the effects of sport stacking training on attention of students with special needs. This study aimed to investigate the effect that sport stacking teaching program on attention performance of three ADHD students. The study was conducted through withdrawal design (A-B-A design) of single-subject experimental designs. The independent variable was the sport stacking teaching program, the dependent variables were the 7 scores of Tien-character Attention Test. Moreover, the correlation between the weekly average speed of sport stacking and the 7 scores of Tien-Character Attention Test were investigated. This study found that the sport stacking teaching program could improve effects of intervention on at least 6 of the 7 scores of Tien-character Attention Test during the intervention phase. And most of the scores of Tien-character Attention Test had improved effects of intervention during the withdrawal phase. The weekly average speed of sport stacking (3-3-3, 3-6-3) shown significant correlation between accuracy of the scores of total number of items processed minus errors (TN-E) and concentration performance (CP). Overall, during the intervention phase and withdrawal phase, the effects on the attention performance of elementary school students with ADHD had improved.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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