


Improving Precision of Ball Throwing through the Program of Task Analysis and Boccia Intervention for the Elementary School Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities


喻紹嫻(Shao-Hien Yu);佘永吉(Yung-Ji Sher)


工作分析法 ; 地板滾球 ; 智能障礙 ; 單一受試研究法 ; 擲球精準度 ; Boccia ; intellectual disabilities ; precision of ball throwing ; single subject research ; task analysis




19卷3&4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


211 - 224






Adapted physical education has been gradually promoted in Taiwan. However, special education teachers are generally unfamiliar adapted physical education, while students with special needs demonstrate low motivation for participating in sports activities, which also leads unlikely to develop sports habits and acquire sports skills. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of using task analysis method to train and improve the precision of throwing the ball of students with moderate intellectual disabilities in elementary school by means of a single subject research. The research tools include measured the distance between the ball and the mother ball by the researcher and task analysis record sheet as well as significant other's satisfaction questionnaire. After collecting the data, the influence of intervention and maintenance is understood by means of visual analysis, and the social validity analysis. Due to un-expectable in research process, the results show that the using task analysis method to train and improve the precision of throwing the ball of students with moderate intellectual disabilities in elementary school has none significant intervention and maintenance outcomes. It is suggested that when planning the relevant courses of students with moderate intellectual disabilities in elementary school, the contents of the intervention plan can be analyzed according to the students' individual needs and abilities, and if the relevant research is carried out in the future, it should be individually investigated the students of different needs and design intervention methods.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 內科
社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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