


The Criminal Liability of the Doctor Performs Advanced Directive


張麗卿(Chang, Liching)


病人自主 ; 預立醫療決定 ; 善終 ; 安樂死 ; 刑事責任 ; Patient Autonomy ; Advanced Directive (AD) ; Good Death ; Euthanasia ; Criminal Liability




53期(2017 / 06 / 01)


1 - 42






On January 2016, the first Patient Autonomy Act (the Act) in Asia has been passed in Taiwan, which allows critical illness patients to have legal ground pursuing good death. Specifically, an adult have a right to make Advanced Directives. If the adult who makes Advanced Directives unfortunately becomes a terminal illness patient, a resident with persistent vegetative state, a patient with profound Neurocognitive Disorder, a patient in irreversible coma, or a patient suffers from painful disease that cannot be cured under current medical standard, a doctor may terminate, withdraw, or not apply his Life-sustaining Treatment or feeding according to the will of the patient after the professional judgement by the doctor. This Article makes an approach to criminal liability that might be occurred after the Act put into practice. A doctor who abandons medical treatment to accomplish the patient’s will of good death according to the legal process may fulfill the legal elements of the offense of entrusted murder prescribed in Article 275 of Criminal Code. Nevertheless, in compliance with the provision of Article 14 section 5 of the Act, the doctor in former situation "does not bear criminal liability," meanwhile the doctor in later situation "may not apply it" in compliance with the provision of Article 14 section 3 of the Act. Both two sections exempt the doctors from criminal liability as the grounds of legal justification. That is because whether the conduct is illegal, it is judged from the entire order of laws. Since the Act exempts the doctor who enact or not according to the legal process from criminal liability and the conduct of the doctor is not illegal, this is a typical kind of "conduct performed in accordance with law or order." However, for those lives with possibilities to be rescued originally, it needs to go further into that why can we make laws allow doctors to abandon such medical treatments. The Act is still necessary to be deliberated profoundly before it taking effect in 2019, and hopefully, it would really achieve win-win outcome for the patient and the doctor then.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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